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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Privacy Protection

I've added some privacy protection to the family history tree website, found at http://lepleys.org  This would include families with surnames: Hook, Sparks, Lepley, Jones, Kizer, Borger, Bryant, and all related families.

I still do not publish any living person's information beyond the very fundamental *and* public available name and dob. 

I've decided to add this level of security for a variety of reasons.  I have resisted doing this because it does add a step to viewing the data.  I regret this, but, I really feel I must. 

To obtain the user name and password, you'll need to reach out to me.  I've provided many avenues, so reach out however you want.  There's a contact me safe email form on all my websites, I've provided links to private facebook groups for each family grouping, many of you have my personal email address - which I do not publish online.